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Dear VTCI Member,

Due to the ongoing effects of our current COVID-19 health crisis and the restrictions on large meetings placed upon us from the state, we have had to forego our usual regional informational meetings for Valley Telephone Cooperative

in San Isidro, Hebbronville, and Tilden, as well as the Annual Meeting in Raymondville.

Instead, this year we will be holding an abbreviated online Virtual Annual Meeting on Wednesday, August 26th.

Every VTCI member who registers for this online virtual meeting will receive a $25 credit on their next monthly VTCI telephone bill.

A postcard has been mailed to VTCI members with instructions on how to register for the online virtual meeting.

If you do not own or use a connected device, you can still access and enjoy the virtual meeting from any other location with internet access such as with family members or friends.

This online Virtual Annual Meeting of VTCI members will be held Wednesday, August 26, 2020, at 6pm and last no longer than 15-20 minutes.

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